The Bible vs. Human Creeds

This article is taken from A Book of Gems: Choice Selections from the Writings of Benjamin Franklin

It is admitted on all hands, by all Protestants, that we should receive nothing more than is contained in the Holy Scriptures.

It is also admitted, that we should receive nothing less than is contained in the Scriptures.

It is admitted, that the Holy Scriptures must not be altered, but must be received precisely as God gave them to the world.

It is acknowledged that the Christian Scriptures constitute a “perfect law of liberty.”

All acknowledge that this perfect law of liberty was given by the infallible wisdom of God, and by his undeniable authority.

Now, the precise opposite of this is true of every human creed on earth. For instance, it is admitted—

That we may receive more than is contained in any human creed in the world.

It is admitted, that we may receive less, or that we are not bound to receive everything in any one of them.

It is universally admitted that they may be altered and amended.

It is admitted, that no creed but the Bible, constitutes a “perfect law of liberty,” hence, those who use other creeds are frequently altering or amending them.

It is admitted, that no creed but the Bible, was given by the infallible wisdom of God.

These are undeniable truths, admitted by all Protestants, as must be seen by the most common observer. Now we ask any man in his right mind, how it can be, that it is safe to receive a creed, not containing all that a christian is bound to receive, containing also some things that may be rejected, one that may be altered, one admitted not to be a “perfect law,” and one not given by the wisdom and authority of God; and yet unsafe, to receive as our only creed that Book, containing all that a Christian dare receive, no less than he must receive, one that dare not be altered, that is “the perfect law of liberty,” and was given by the wisdom and authority of God?

–Benjamin Franklin