The Plain Bible Teaching website is owned and operated by Andy Sochor. Included on the site are several articles highlighting lessons from those associated with the Restoration Movement. Links to these articles are listed below. They are sorted by name.

Miscellaneous Articles
- Lessons from the Melodeon at Midway
- Resolutions from the Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery
- Studying the History of Fallible Religious Leaders
- Was George Washington Immersed into Christ?
Bittle, L. F.
Butler, Pardee
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Thomas
Cassius, Samuel Robert
Creath, Jr., Jacob
Dooly, Reuben
Etheridge, Will
Fanning, Tolbert
Franklin, Benjamin
- Benjamin Franklin’s Beginning in Preaching
- Hope for Greater Disagreement
- “Trust in the Lord, and Work On”
Green, Almon Beach
Grubbs, Isaiah Boone
Hall, B. F.
Hayden, Amos S.
Hayden, William
Hook, Dr. Daniel
Jones, Abner
Kinkade, William
Lipscomb, David
Milligan, Robert
O’Kelly, James
Officer, R. W.
Purviance, David
Raines, Aylett
Rigdon, Sidney
Scott, Walter
- “A Church That Is All Mouth”
- My Bible, My Head, and Brother William Hayden
- The Gospel in the Same Words as Peter Preached It
- Who Is for the Lord?
Shidler, George
Smith, Elias
Smith, “Raccoon” John
- A Conscience Not For Sale
- Alexander Campbell Was a Fool
- Hard Preaching
- Relying More on the Word Than the Holy Ghost
Sommer, Daniel
- Caring for Our Bodies Better Than We Do for Our Souls
- Daniel Sommer on the Foolishness of Atheism
- Daniel Sommer on the History of Islam
- Two Classes of Disciples
Sommer, D. A.
Sweeney, J. S.
Tant, J. D.
- Government Aid Hindering the Spread of the Gospel
- He Is Hated by All the Denominations
- “They Thought More of Me Than of My Lord”
Todd, A. L.
West, Earl