The Restoration Reader & Review is a monthly journal of selected readings and commentary on our Restoration heritage, edited by Kevin Greer.
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Back issues of this journal can be downloaded below.

The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 1, Number 1 – The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery | Wellsburg: A Hub of the Restoration Movement | J. W. McGarvey on the Individual Cups | Advice to Young Preachers from Barton W. Stone | The Restoration Plea | A Brief Biography of “Raccoon” John Smith | Walter Scott’s “Five Finger Exercise”
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 1, Number 2 – Primitive and Modern Christianity | The Restoration Plea Today: Its Validity and Necessity | A Brief Biography of Rice Haggard | The Thief on the Cross (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks)
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 1, Number 3 – From the First Issue of “The Millennial Harbinger”: Prospectus | A Brief Biography of Tolbert Fanning | Lord, Teach Us to Pray (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | The Way of Unity Between “Christian Churches” and Churches of Christ
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 1, Number 4 – “The New Testament Commentary”: Publisher’s Preface | Selecting a Subject (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | The Birth of the Church Which Is Christ’s (from Johnson’s Notes) | Did Alexander Campbell Start the church of Christ? | “Speak Where the Bible Speaks, Be Silent Where the Bible Is Silent”
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 1, Number 5 – The Christian Expositor | Action in the Pulpit (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | The Apostle Paul’s Sermon on Mars’ Hill (from Johnson’s Notes) | The Protestant Unionist: Prospectus | Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 2, Number 1 – The Gospel Advocate | The Thief on the Cross (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | The Apostle Peter’s Sermon in the House of Cornelius (from Johnson’s Notes) | Biographical Sketch of David Lipscomb | The History of Redemption Reproduced in the Redeemed
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 2, Number 2 – “The People of the Book” | What Shall We Do About the Organ? | Capital Punishment | Biographical Sketch of Walter Scott | The Letter to the Church at Sardis (Johnson’s Notes)
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 2, Number 3 – The Sin Unto Death and the Sin Against the Holy Spirit | How to Be Respected (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | The Account of the Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch (from Johnson’s Notes) | Women at the Lord’s Table | The Essential, the Important, and the Indifferent
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 3, Number 1 – Alexander Campbell: On the Breaking of Bread | The Study and Selection of Hymns (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | Walter Scott: The Golden Oracle | H. Leo Boles: The Way of Unity Between “Christian Churches” and Churches of Christ | The Apostle Paul’s Address to the Jews in Rome (from Johnson’s Notes)
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 4, Number 1 – Did Alexander Campbell Start the Church of Christ? | The Great Renovation | The Day of Pentecost Following Christ’s Ascension (from J. W. McGarvey’s Original Commentary on Acts) | The Reformation and the Restoration: A Tale of Two Movements | Biographical Sketch of Henry Tompkins Anderson | The Essential, the Important, and the Indifferent | The American Restoration Movement
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 4, Number 2 – Alexander Campbell’s Controversial Membership in the Baptist Church | What Constitutes a Congregation | Faith Does Not Dispense with Law | Autobiographical Sketch of E. S. B. Waldron | The Study and Selection of Hymns (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | Commentary on Romans Chapter 3, Verses 1-11 (from Robertson L. Whiteside’s A New Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Saints at Rome) | The Lord’s Supper – Its Use and Abuse | A Contested Baptism | The Christian Connexion and Alexander Campbell
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 4, Number 3 – Why Restoration and Not Reformation | A. Campbell’s Successors and Critics | The Debate Between Barton Stone and Alexander Campbell on Our Substitutionary Death Issue | The “Restoration Movement” | The Law of Progressive Development | Biographical Sketch of Phillip Slater Fall | Poor Preachers (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | Romans 1:18-25 (from Moses Lard’s Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Romans) | Alexander Campbell and the Spirit of the Revolution
The Restoration Reader & Review: Volume 4A, Number 1 – Preserving the Writings of the Restoration Movement: The Who’s, the What’s, the Why’s, and the How’s | A Study of Chapter and Verse Divisions in the Bible (Guest Commentary) | Why Do You Want to Preach? (from J. W. McGarvey’s Chapel Talks) | Religion and Politics (from Benjamin Franklin’s A Book of Gems) | The Life of R. L. Whiteside | Faith and Sight